Not sure why Microsoft can’t just knock this off. I’m hearing that on Tuesday, the Win 10 upgrade will become a “recommended” update. Okay, fine. I see why they want to recommend it. However, they need to be sure that it’s optional and that you have a way to turn off nagging. It’s the nagging that bothers me. Office 365 now has a constant nag banner for upgrading to Office 2016. Ironically, I don’t want to upgrade to Office 2016 until I upgrade to Windows 10, and I don’t want to upgrade to Windows 10 until I know it’s not going to brick my computers, especially my work-at-home one.
It’s very distracting. I’m tempted to drink the Kool-Aid and let Microsoft have its way completely — Cortana and everything. If I don’t, will Microsoft asplode?
Windows 10 isn’t actually that bad. It’s no more spyware-like than the entire internet is at this point, so whatever.
As far as usability, I feel like options have been dumbed down so far that they are now more difficult for anybody who knows what they’re doing. I use the Start bar search for everything. It seems like Control Panel no longer exists?
Still, it’s solid, doesn’t crash, is FAR better than Windows 8.x, which was an abortion, and it looks pretty sharp, too.
Windows 10 really is pretty solid. I always said it would take a lot for me to move away from Windows 7 but I must say it is a vast improvement. As Ive mentioned before, the only thing that bothers me is why MS want’s to give it to us for free soo bad.
I’m sure they’re hoping to cash in on Facebook style spyware via their product ecosystem… which hasn’t really taken off and probably never will because Microsoft is not a device company and should stop trying to be one.
But another good reason for them is to get out of support Hell on the last 3 versions.
Really, Microsoft/Android/Apple are a case study in why we need open standards and devices that just play properly together to begin with. I can’t play my Apple Music on my Android tablet, etc… and even though if I go Google Music and play it on Apple instead, I lose all sorts of OS integration that iTunes would provide for my phone… it’s all a deliberate clusterfuck as everyone tries (and mostly fails) to get you to be locked into their product line for every device you use.