My basement is flooded. We got a new washing machine because our old one was about 12 years old and the lid didn’t work right and it smelled funny.
The new one has a computer in it and makes little soft computer noises. It was that or some economy thing that looked like it would fall apart on the truck.
So Day 1, it wouldn’t work at all. The white haired repair guy showed up in his NRA ball cap and plaid shirt and PLUGGED A FREAKING LAPTOP INTO IT to run some diagnostics. Turned out a molex connector had come undone… on the truck. He had to carefully remove the front plastic bezel without destroying the clips (no mean feat) and undo about 14 pan screws to get to it. All better.
Until it started pouring water all over the floor.
Turns out that when I hooked it up, filled with pride and hubris and feeling invincible in my righteous superiority, I didn’t replace any of the rubber washers and just hooked it up with the same ones that had been in there for ten years.
Yeah, when I took the lines back off to replace them today, they were utterly shredded to pieces. Good times.
That’s uhh.. all. Chewbacca did not get wet, although his feet were mere.. err.. feet from the flood site.
OMG. So very sorry for your difficulty. If it’s any comfort, I’m sure I would have an even more spectacular crisis, like managing to electrocute myself on top of flooding the whole house.
This reminds me that I’m probably going to have to replace my washing machine soon and do not look forward to the experience.
It’s really not a huge deal. More for towels than a sump pump. Still, it was amusing watching NRA Santa Claus diagnose our washer with a laptop… 😛
ALWAYS replace the hoses with a new machine.
You should file an insurance claim. The restoration companies around here would get the insurance company to build you an entire new house if that happened. Seriously.