Diablo 3 may be the strangest game ever made from the standpoint of appearance vs. reality. It’s not intentionally deceptive, but the math doesn’t always work the way I think it does. I’mĀ getting more and moreĀ interested in the strange science of this title. Because I’m a casual player, I take a lot of things at face value, but the more serious players break out their spreadsheets and look at things like “relative damage increase” and “effective mitigation.” They actually pay attention to item descriptions and figure out the difference (sometimes huge) between multiplied and added damage or defense.
I return you now to Quin, the eccentric Aussie virtuoso, as he explains the finer points of relative damage and armor. (Maybe he’s not Australian — could be from New Zealand or Tasmania or one of those other places no one pays attention to.)
First, a tutorial on relative damage:
Then one on defense and the value of armor:
Then a trailer for the funniest vampire movie ever made, which I only included here because it’s a New Zealand film:
But I just like to click things…
That’s quite a thumbnail on What We Do in the Shadows. Isn’t that the movie that Depp was in a little while back? Remaking it already? Or just really similar title?
Not sure about Depp being in a version. This one has all unknowns and it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. The premise is basically what would happen if you took a rent-share comedy and applied it to vampires. All the sinister powers and characteristics of vampirism are reduced to ineffectual absurdity as the “flatmates” have meetings about washing dishes, stealing each other’s fashions, etc. One of the funniest scenes involves a neighborhood disturbance call from the Wellington police. Then there’s “the Beast.” You should pray that you never meet . . . the Beast.