This is turning into one of the best FPS games I have played in awhile. Its a little bit hard, the story is interesting(even for me who pays zero mind to story usually), you have to pay attention or you are dead, its creepy, something different around every corner.
Much of your time is spent navigating through the Moscow tunnel system which is very dark and atmospheric but hard to get a decent screenshot. The surface is a wasteland due to nuclear war but is also creepy as hell because of monsters. This was one of my first trips outside near the library.
Monsters are fast and when you see new ones you are like, WTF was that? This guy in particular you can kill but it takes a massive amount of ammo(which is sometimes scarce) to do it. There is a chance(I said, a chance) though that if you keep still and stare them right in the eyes like a grizzly bear, it will calm them and they will move on and leave you alone.
The game is just very well polished. Enemies won’t see you if you use cover or darkness. If you try flanking, they flank you right back. There are Nazis, yes…..NAZIS! I was captured and though I was dead for sure and out of nowhere these two Comrades saved me in the nick of time:
Ran into this thing last night…WTF?:
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