It’s about appreciating the scenery and the grinding is only there as a shallow ramp to more scenery gazing. Spreadsheet RPG types HATE it. I think it’s fantastic. 🙂
I’m Wolf Blitzer, and this is CNN
Mah ship
2 comments on “No Man’s Sky – a great Indie Game masquerading as a AAA title”
LOL @ Wolf Blitzer.
I think it would be more fantastic at about $20, but what do I know?
You can tell a lot of work has gone into it even to bring it to this point, imo, but yeah, it’s over-hyped. I think they probably ran through a fair amount of budget fucking up and then fixing things. It has the hallmarks of a runaway development cycle. Probably what happens when your principals are busy doing the talk show circuit.
LOL @ Wolf Blitzer.
I think it would be more fantastic at about $20, but what do I know?
You can tell a lot of work has gone into it even to bring it to this point, imo, but yeah, it’s over-hyped. I think they probably ran through a fair amount of budget fucking up and then fixing things. It has the hallmarks of a runaway development cycle. Probably what happens when your principals are busy doing the talk show circuit.