3 comments on “Windows 10 Anniversary snuck onto my computer last night

  1. Windows has actually gotten a great deal better in terms of performance, clean installs, clean upgrades, etc.

    Unfortunately it’s also gotten a great deal better at letting the NSA read all of your files while profiling your typing and facial expressions for corporate advertisers.

    So, you know, a mixed bag really.

  2. That image is on Wikipedia and probably from someone’s 1360 x 768 laptop. The menu on my 1680 x 1050 work monitor takes up much less real estate. I pity the gubment schlubs tasked with reading my files. Even the bots are probably refusing to look at them.

  3. It may be from a screencast. People run them in awfully low resolutions. But yeah, probably on a Surface or something.

    I run Win 10 on my 27″ 4K iMac and the start menu is barely larger than the classic one, or at least it seems to me.

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