I was surprised to learn that patch 2.5.0 went live yesterday since Season 10 doesn’t start until March 31. But hey, that’s okay.
2.5.0 is mainly a “quality of life” patch, adding the Armory and other fairly interesting features. Other changes are not especially substantive, but some sets and legendary items have been improved. A new thing is Primal Ancient items, though I personally think they’re yawn-worthy.
Patch 2.5
“The Storage Patch”
I’m not sure how many programmers Blizzard has working on D3 patches now but I think 1 guy working in his basement could have made these changes in about 2 hours.
How does it take them 3 months?
Yes, I consider these pretty meh changes. They’re mainly for uber-paragon group people who spend all day trying to top the leader board.
Meanwhile, I made a demon hunter and am presently at lvl 56. I’ve been playing with mn, who made a crusader and leveled it to 70 in about one day. He carried me for a while in Hard mode while he was still in the upper 60s. I forgot that Hard for a high-60s character is different from a mid-40ish Hard. Monsters scale, so I was dying very frequently. Fortunately, the repair costs were negligible. Blizzard even suspends the wait-time punishment until your gear is too broken to go on. Nice.
We found a rainbow goblin in one of the bounties we were doing. In case you don’t know, rainbow goblins open portals to a new and improved Whimsyshire. Crafting mats, gold, legendaries, etc. drop like mad. It’s the D3 lottery. We were constantly making trips to town to unload.
Crafting a Cain’s set boosted XP gain by 50%, so leveling was fast — so fast that within about two hours I was getting wrecked. Cain’s is level 23 armor, which just doesn’t work in a high-60s Hard game. Oh well.