He still needs a curling iron and some more style/detailing… Posted by muppet on October 1, 2017 Posted in: Uncategorized. 3 comments http://www.madebymonkeys.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Chewie-movement-test.mp4 Posts navigation ← Progress shots of my latest nonsense. Still a WIP Conquest Settlements →
Looks (and sounds) real to me. Better than Lucas. Is the sound real-time or added to the videro? If real-time, wow. Log in to Reply
LOL no it’s all dubbed. It’s possible to put a switch in the jaw and even to put a two-position switch for louder/longer noises with a wider open mouth, but I’ve never done that. (The toy ones at like Walmart do that though.) Log in to Reply
Looks (and sounds) real to me. Better than Lucas. Is the sound real-time or added to the videro? If real-time, wow.
LOL no it’s all dubbed. It’s possible to put a switch in the jaw and even to put a two-position switch for louder/longer noises with a wider open mouth, but I’ve never done that. (The toy ones at like Walmart do that though.)
Well, it’s still impressive. Very.