It’s just me and Sim in here now, isn’t it?
It’s dead, Jim.
You couldn’t pay me enough to post on the Blood Forum. Maybe this is the end, Mr. Sim.
It’s just me and Sim in here now, isn’t it?
It’s dead, Jim.
You couldn’t pay me enough to post on the Blood Forum. Maybe this is the end, Mr. Sim.
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I’m still here but Sim and I usually chat about games on Steam so I haven’t really had anything worthwhile to post.
Also, I kinda stopped playing Fo4 so I have nothing to share….
I imagine you have lurkers, maybe one or two.
You know how I am. I get rolled up in a game and that’s what I post about.
I guess I could write about how Windows backup is reporting a cyclic redundancy error on my gaming machine and how I’m checking to see whether it’s a problem with the source or destination drive.
Or I could post about how I’m prepping John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi for an upcoming grad class.
Or about how I’m getting ready to drop my car off at the dealer for some work (been waiting for the oil change notice to ding). The work includes dealing with a recall notice, getting a new battery, and fixing a slow tire leak.
But none of this is as interesting as Fallout 4 and fine-tuning turrets for my Sims.
This isn’t a call out guys. Honest. 🙂
This is me wondering whether this site needs to be a thing anymore, although I’ve got to say that I’d keep it open forever just to read Sim’s game blogging expertly paired with silly kitsch imagery.
I’ve got the wordpress app installed on my phone so I can post and edit this site like a pro.
That being said: the Fallout 4 posts have been highly amusing but I haven’t played the game yet myself, so I don’t have anything to contribute.
What I can comment on is that my free time has been a grab bag of tinkering lately:
My dusty pic18f45k20 was put to some good use and can read the IR signals from my TV remote and make an LED blink. I still need to figure out how to properly decode the signals so as to differentiate between buttons, and possibly re-transmit them… who knows what I’ll be able to turn on/off.
I’ve been playing around trying to read the miscellaneous files certain programs hide in the APPDATA folder. It’s been fun, like a puzzle, reading the file header information, and then revealing the true nature of the jpegs, and gzip archives. It’s not very constructive or useful, but it has that level of satisfaction I imagine a good crossword gives you.
Aside from that I’ve been occasionally sipping from the cup of Hero’s of the Storm. The matches are quick, there’s not much in the way of grind, and it’s free to play. A few chums play it, so it’s more of a vector for keeping abreast of the latest newsworthy items than anything else.
Anyway, yeah, that’s me.
Had a break from Fallout, but coming back soon!
Do not play FO4, have played like 2 hours of New Vegas before I lost interest. And I hate this site layout, which makes it very difficult to find threads I might be interested in or previous posts once it scrolls of the front page.
Cool if you are happy with it and all but
Is FO4 all there is to talk about anymore? 😛
Anyhow, nope not changing the layout back to some half assed forum package. Sorry. 🙂
If I could figure out why my old PHP forum doesn’t work on this host anymore I’d run that again, but I can’t be bothered troubleshooting that monstrosity.