The King of Sweden is now popular enough to get sponsored computer parts. This allows him to share his latest computer build with youtube plebs.
Of special interest are the following points:
- He builds his own case, which appears to be made almost entirely of sturdy plastic.
- He seems to build the first computer in history with no power supply. Can you find it? I can’t.
- He reveals his well-provisioned command center and makes the audience wonder how he finds enough wall receptacles to plug in 1,212,438 devices.
I don’t suppose we’ll see any more Fallout 4 videos until the DLC comes out.
Never mind. I see that the power supply is hidden in a little alcove on the case’s reverse side. What an odd design.
I like how the case separates the components like the power supply, HDD…etc from the motherboard. All for heat management obviously. Kind of a monstrous box. A little too big for me I’m afraid.
True true. Very effective design, that.
Still a peculiar product — plastic? self-assembled? Hey, if it works, it works.
Next big thing: MDF cases from Ikea.