6 comments on “Nananea’s barbarian in Torment 10

  1. This is one of the strangest builds I’ve ever seen. She’s using the Legacy of Nightmares set rings (Wailing Host and Litany of the Undaunted) for this perk:

    While this is your only Item Set bonus every Ancient item you have equipped increases your damage dealt by 100% and reduces your damage taken by 4%.

    Notice that she has no set pieces other than these rings, but she’s wearing pretty much all ancient legendaries. As much as possible, each legendary perk contributes to the system. She’s also exploiting Thorns damage, which is why she seems to ignore white mobs (observe all the Thorns perks, including the Hack axe and the use of topazes in the weapon sockets). She also has HUGE survivability (observe the immense LoH and the use of diamonds in sockets for resistance) and who knows how many cooldown exploits going.

    The Legacy of Nightmares rings work really well, let me tell you. I’ve been trying them out on my monk. He has a long way to go before he can do T10 (even though he has more paragon points than Nananea), but really, with more work and certain tricksy drops, he ought to be able to do this since he has all kinds of oddball skills.

    Once again, Nananea applies her advanced engineering. This build is so out of the box that the box has been crosscut shredded and the shreds have been mailed to Guam.

  2. I may have to get some Diabro in once in awhile now when I need to take my eyes off code. I’ve been using Minecraft for my zen place, but my characters in D3 are only at like.. 30? 35?

    I’ll never be into the Excel spreadsheet level of D3 mastery that you are, though. I just like to put pretty stuff on my paper doll adventurer people.

  3. 😀

    I think I like the “end game” of D3 so much because it has no other purpose than the creation of sustainable toons at increasingly high levels of risk. That concept — and the sheer tonnage of legitimate exploits designed to encourage it — I don’t know. It all just fascinates me.

    Since D2, Diablo has been about synergy. This doesn’t mean much during the campaign, where dying is almost impossible and rare (yellow) items still have value. At level 66 Master difficulty, monsters can hurt you and you have a harder time pew-pewing them, so you start to think about how to fix this.

    In Adventure mode, you start messing with rifts and bounties, and by level 70 in, say, Torment 4 difficulty, you notice that the monsters are getting a little faster, a little “smarter,” and there are more of them. In Torment 6, if you’re still playing, you begin to wonder what you’re doing wrong, because if you’re still playing like you did back in the campaign, you’re probably dying quite a lot.

    You start to realize the value legendary armor and weapons — not because the big numbers say they do more damage or provide better protection, but because some of their special perks work together with perks on other items. You become aware of how valuable your own critical damage is, and how things like resistances to enemy magical damage are no longer options.

    Sets then become really valuable because they epitomize this systematic approach to damage and protection. D3 then becomes a completely different game. It’s not so much about cool piñata drops as it is about building an effective self-sustaining system with as few holes as possible.

    I just think this is ultra-cat’s pajamas.

  4. See, what you just described is more or less the reason I really enjoyed Gratuitous Space Battles forever and ever. It’s not exactly parallel, but it’s the same sort of tuning/tweaking/’sploding mechanic in a different context.

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