5 comments on “Super Mutant Warlords

  1. I promise to read this more thoroughly in just a little bit. I just wanted to interject that I died in FO4 for the first time in like a month last night when I just happened incidentally to rediscover “Heartbreak Bay” or whatever the heck it’s called near Red Rocket in the Northwest and found it populated with Super Mutant Masters and Enforcers. Like, 3 dozen of them. It was ridiculous how quickly and how thoroughly I got surrounded. I remember there being like 3 guys there before.

  2. This is one of those situations where world scaling is a double edged sword. You don’t feel especially powerful at higher levels when the world just keeps leveling up with you.

    Last night on a whim I started just wandering around scouting near my Red Rocket base, like I said. For quite a while I was really enjoying myself one shotting low level Raiders with my pistol. I did eventually get taken out (a second time, first was huge Super Mutants I stumbled across) by a Legendary Raider near the drained quarry (never made it to the bottom, or if I did I’ve forgotten) solely because I forgot to pop a stimpack. I was wearing my newly begun Synth armor project and forgot that I’m not invincible… D-:

  3. Yeah, I just met quite a bunch of muties around those satellite dishes south of Finch Farm, and there were some tough ones among them (I had cleared that place at least twice already). I’m about level 40-45.

  4. On a not very related note, at a certain military location, there’s a decommissioned sentry bot. Nearby, you can find a holotape that allows you to activate the bot and send him to one of four military locations to patrol for ne’er-do-wells. I tried it out on the Olivia satellite station, but I suppose he travels pretty slowly because he wasn’t there when I arrived. But I have great hopes that he’ll eventually get to a destination and let me watch him blow things up.

    spoiler below:

    He’s located at the Robotics Disposal Ground. Go to Vault 111 and follow the river or lake or whatever east and a tad north until you see the symbol for a junkyard in your PipBoy.

    BTW: There’s a command to deactivate him, but I couldn’t get it to work. This may be by design. You can also give him a self-destruct command. The holotape goes in your Misc inventory, so you can use the PipBoy to send him to one of the four places.

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