All posts by muppet
I finished Deus Ex without killing anybody (bosses are people, too.)
The ending I got, I didn’t like. I wonder how much it can be changed. I don’t have any strategic save slots. Oh well.
Apparently my version of the game came with some standalone DLC stories? I guess I can try those out now.
Oh yeah, we’re also being sued for foreclosure. We got the summons today. His and hers.
But now I need a simulator quality flightstick and throttle to play it properly.
What have you DONE Sim??? What have you DONE??!!!!!! D: D: D:
This sums it up well:
Warning: lots of cursing. 🙂
But I can’t afford to produce it and the Kickstarter has been stalled for two weeks. LOL 🙂
Ah well, screw you too, universe.
Lots of really top notch game projects are shit-canning on Kickstarter right now. Some much better than mine, at least better looking/marketing. Mighty Number 9 fucked everybody over by sucking after tons of hype.