His coloration looks so much better in these than in the video. I don’t know why.
He also looks way less fat. I don’t know why that is, either. None of these have been retouched.
His coloration looks so much better in these than in the video. I don’t know why.
He also looks way less fat. I don’t know why that is, either. None of these have been retouched.
When it comes down to it, Fallout 4 is just a mediocre game with shit writing, dumbed down dialogue and quest trees, and without any of the soul of the previous titles except via nostalgia
They’ve shat their own bed by cutting corners.
Hopefully whoever made F:NV will get ahold of their engine improvements and make a better “0.5” sequel out of this mess after all the DLC has been slung. :-/
“I can’t escape Garvey. He’s everywhere now. Someone even modded him in to skyrim, so he could tell me about all those settlements that need my help, and then he marks them on my map.
The map is always marked now, I can’t remember what it was like to have an unmarked map.
Send help. God is dead.”
It’s just me and Sim in here now, isn’t it?
It’s dead, Jim.
You couldn’t pay me enough to post on the Blood Forum. Maybe this is the end, Mr. Sim.
I’ve decided to do some moonlighting to help cover the monthly expenses.
…that’s all I have to report. My armor is now half X-01, half T60. The glowing sea is actually kind of interesting, but depressing, to trudge around in. Although if the “undiscovered” compass markers didn’t pop up, you’d never find anything in there. I hated those markers in Oblivion/Skyrim but you’ve gotta have them in this part of FO4 or you’re just gonna wander around getting eaten by radscorpions and glowing deathclaws.
Speaking of deathclaws, once you beat the main story, they seem to be everywhere. I guess this is the game’s version of keeping things interesting, but wouldn’t you think that some quest should pop up where people wanna know what’s up with all these freaking deathclaws all of a sudden? That, and super mutant behemoths, which I didn’t run into even once during any storyline, are now everywhere. I’ve met 3 post-ending. Zero before.